Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bungalow House Portrait in Del Ray, Alexandria

One of the cutest!

This little bungalow at 1803 Commonwealth Ave, is one of the older ones in Del Ray, and it is still very much in it's original state. Here's a photo of the house and my house portrait.

These are some shots of the interior, showing an original cabinet
and window, the guest room and believe or not the original garage
out back.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More Del Ray House Portraits -- with the family included

More in my Del Ray series and recent house portrait commissions

Here are some more paintings that were part of my show last Saturday at Show of Hands. These three scenes are located on Mt Vernon Ave, the main street of Del Ray.

Have some great home portraits as well that include friends and family.

More to come.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Del Ray House Portraits - New Series!

I've always loved Del Ray Alexandria.  I love it's eclectic blend of architecture and especially the bungalow homes, the artsy funky bright colors and most of all its true sense of community and family living. It reminds of growing up back home in New Zealand.  These are the elements that inspired me to create the Del Ray Community Mural last year at the Mt Vernon Rec Center.

However, notice a difference with these portraits.  They all include animales and PEOPLE!  Let's face it, it wouldn"t be Del Ray with out these vital elements.

Below are homes and people on E. Del Ray Ave, Randolph Ave and E. Wyatt Ave. Del Ray.

Happy viewing and more to come....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Garden Art Workshop this Saturday!

Let me know if you can make it... or if you have any questions. 
River Farm is truly beautiful at this time of year. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Commissioned Artwork in New Zealand

Escaping to a beautiful summer in New Zealand

Instead of suffering the snow and ice in northern Virginia I made a trip back home to New Zealand. I saw my family --which is always a thrill -- spent time at Wainui Beach in Gisborne, attended the wedding of my nephew Troy and married my sister Simone in a lovely forest in Rotorua.  And of course I did lots of paintings -- including commissioned artwork.

Here I am lazing in Drift Inn Wainui Beach with coffee in hand.

Here is the wedding of Paul and Simone and the painting I did for them as a wedding present, showing them walking up a sunlit path and into the future....

This is a commissioned painting I did while at Lake Waikaurimoana.

But it ended all too soon... and before I knew it I was back in Old Town Alexandria observing the very first signs of spring.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Zooming into 2011!

So much is happening and its been so long since I have posted.  It's cold here in Virginia but I will shortly to be experiencing the New Zealand summer.. for the rest of this month.

Have continued to do house portraits here in Old Town Alexandria and further afield. Here is a portrait in the Fall and a wintery one from a couple of weeks ago.

Since last posting I have put out my first Old Town Calendar and note cards and finished a 60 foot mural about human rights and community spirit. I was recently appointed to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts along with my business and community partner, Camille Leverett (see story in Alexandria News) and have done tons of commissioned art work.  Some fun portraits, among other things.  Below is Lady BeautyFull, the mascot for BeautyFull Boutique.

You'll hear from me next in New Zealand!
Ciao for now, Leisa